Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Session 49 - Test Three completed

The players:

Sir Thornston Snow (Hedge Knight)
Valkomen Gimilzor (Paladin of House Branch)
Nachtheim of Blancshale (Student of Magic) Absent
Friar Bede (Cleric of the Old Gods)
Fritjof (The Locksmith)
Karr Bidebit (The Dwarven Dwarf)

Unknown world

The group made it to the end of the third test. The Cleric reads the script and presents the statue as the rest of the group fights the minotaur king.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Session 48 Valkomen POV - Fresh Beef Denied!

The players:

Sir Thornston Snow (Hedge Knight)
Valkomen Gimilzor (Paladin of House Branch)
Nachtheim of Blancshale (Student of Magic) Absent
Friar Bede (Cleric of the Old Gods)
Fritjof (The Locksmith)
Karr Bidebit (The Dwarven Dwarf)

Fresh Beef Steak Denied!  Walking around and stepping on every trap sure works up a appetite. I can't believe I gave the Saint my last ration. At least the new Magic Sword works.  Time is running out.  One last prayer to the Old Gods that we find a solution to this Maze. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Session 48 - The Zombie Minotaurs

The players:

Sir Thornston Snow (Hedge Knight)
Valkomen Gimilzor (Paladin of House Branch)
Nachtheim of Blancshale (Student of Magic) Absent
Friar Bede (Cleric of the Old Gods)
Fritjof (The Locksmith)
Karr Bidebit (The Dwarven Dwarf)

Unknown world

Welcome to test #3
Lair of the Minotaur God
We collect Gems
We fight many undead
We lose Gems

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Session 47 - Test #3

The players:

Sir Thornston Snow (Hedge Knight)
Valkomen Gimilzor (Paladin of House Branch)
Nachtheim of Blancshale (Student of Magic)
Friar Bede (Cleric of the Old Gods)
Fritjof (The Locksmith)
Karr Bidebit (The Dwarven Dwarf)

Unknown world

Welcome to test #3
Lair of the Minotaur God

1. Find the gem
2. Place the gem in minotaur head
3. Place the minotaur head in the magic circle
4. Read the magic words
5. Do this before 24 turns
