Experimental House Rules

Combat and Fatigue / Exhaustion
Every round/segment of combat or strenuous activity will minus a temporary point of constitution.
1/2 Con or lower  = Fatigued (-1 to all rolls)
0 Con or lower = Exhausted (-2 to all rolls and move 1/2 rate)

Con regeneration occurs only with rest. 2  points per 1/2 hour of rest or 1 point of light duty (walking, etc.)

An exhausted character cannot engage in combat or activity until a full 2 hours of rest.

If a character is exhausted they must make a save vs. death or pass out for 1-6 turns.

Casting and Fatigue/Exhaustion

Each spell cast takes a small amount of stamina out of a magic-user once cast. This is in the form of physical exhaustion and mental strain.

Each Magic-user will start with a certain amount of spell points and as spells are cast they are deducted from this number.

Fatigue occurs when the caster is at 1/2 its maximum spell points. A fatigued character will be at -1 to all rolls. Fatigue will no longer be a factor if the character rests for 30 minutes.

Exhaustion occurs when the character is out of spell points. This character can no longer cast spells without a full 2 hours of rest (see below for spell point regeneration). An Exhausted character will be at -2 to rolls and move at 1/2 rate. If a character is exhausted they must make a save vs. death or pass out for 1-6 turns.

Each spell cast will minus 1 point per spell level (i.e., 2nd level spell cast will minus 2 spell points).

Spell point regeneration. 2 points per 1/2 hour of rest or 1 point of light duty (walking, etc.)

Spell point calculation:
Base: 1 SP per level of the M-U
Constitution 18 +4, 17 +3, 16 +2, 15 +1
Intelligence: 18 +4, 17 +3, 16 +2, 15 +1

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